Shekinah Jedidiah Alima

Valenzuela City unveils its newest bifunctional ‘Valenzuela Boardwalk’ which will serve as a flood-control project and linear park and bike trail spanning 1.3-kilometer long and 4-meter wide.

Photo Courtesy of Facebook/Valenzuela City.

The boardwalk was constructed with the initiative of Valenzuela City Mayor Wes Gatchalian, initially for flood-control purposes across Barangays Coloong, Tagalag, and Wawang Pulo, where Meycauyan River is located.

As the low-lying areas in the barangays are flood-prone, the local government had to come up with the 45 million pesos worth of project to ease the burden of the citizens.

To formally open the new recreational space, Gatchalian led a walkathon event together with 200 senior citizens and a simultaneous 2-day Go-Kart riding activity for children ages 4 to 7.

Several health-related activities can be done in the Valenzuela Boardwalk, including running, walking and cycling.

The Valenzuela Boardwalk will cater public visitors from 5:00 a.m. to 10 p.m.