By Kyle Earl Castillo

PHOTO: Rappler

Though single-day COVID-19 testing peaked at 80,000, National Task Force Deputy Chief Implementer and Testing Czar Vince Dizon confessed on Wednesday, that the Philippines' testing is still scarce. 

During the Palace news briefing, Dizon said that COVID-19 testing is not enough, however, he ensured that the assessment is based on the guidelines by the experts and the Department of Health.

“I don’t think it’s enough to be honest. But what we have to understand is we always follow the advice of our experts that we cannot just test without basis,” Dizon added.

Dizon also guaranteed that the country will continue its risk-based approach in detecting COVID-19 cases, including people who are symptomatic, have close contacts of COVID-19 positive individuals, have close contacts of symptomatic, and have persons living in areas considered as high risk.

“At the rate of P2,000 per COVID-19 testing for every Filipino, we are already spending P160 million a day from the pockets of our citizens who are paying for the tests and from PhilHealth. Napakalaking pondo po nito,” he bemoaned.

Meanwhile, Dizon expressed his outrage since the national government “doesn’t have enough money” to carry more tests daily.

“Maybe we should also consider practical and on-ground implications. Every time we need to test, contact trace, isolate, vaccinate, we’re spending money.” Dizon ended.

Report source: Manila Bulletin